Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Down a Stream....

So I'm sitting here in the last booth of Mckins, doin......... well doing nothing really.  I just finished my knockoff verison of a McDonald's .....well anything really, but specifically a McDonald's breakfast.

Any who, as I sit here contemplating whether or not to venture forth and attain more food, I try to think about something relevant to say or something ground breaking/moving. 

So I'm floating down the stream of my subconscious, looking for a beautiful isle to float to.

God, look @ that brilliant metaphor or whatever literary device I just used! Sometimes I'm just brilliant!!!

But I digress, mainly because I think I'm going to cave into my previous craving and get another breakfast sandwich and Gatorade.  Nothing like electrolytes and carbs in the morning! Hold on a hot sec ............................................................................................................................................................

...... So 1. I hate going up to get food after I already got food cuz I feel like people judge me and think I'm a fat ass! and B. Dear Little Gay Guy Sitting 2 Booths in Front of Me, We should meet. All I am saying. Sincerely, Other Gay Guy

Sometimes I look @ the people who are awake right now and I think, "Huh?....Ok!"  Anyways, I digress.....

So it seems as thou my very demanding pile of work is calling for my attention right now, so I should probably tend to it.  Homework is like a child, I do not want to it until it is 18 and can fend for himself.  Just kidding...... I'm indifferent towards child.  Anyways off to do work now!

Food for Thought.....

So here I am sitting in a booth in Mckins,....alone.  I think I am starting to like this morning routine of going to get breakfast in the am. 

This is unusual for me, seeing as I am both not A. a morning person and 2. I don't eat breakfast.  But I guess there is a 1st for everything.  I'm starting to like this solo hour I get to spend all to myself. 

Granted it does come with the step price of $6 and eating all alone.  Now if you know me, you know how much I HATE eating alone.  So it is a big price.  However, I do think I could get used to this foreign routine.  Though I may not be a creature of routine, well mainly because I like to consider myself as spontaneous, fun and carefree.  But clearly that may or may not be the case.

So we will see in the weeks to come, how a bagel, some juice, and a booth in Mckins starts to treat me.  It might be the greatest decision I have ever made!!!  Or I could be miserable thinking about how I am sitting alone in a booth @ 9am in the morning after my 8am chem class.

P.s. On a side note, I started carrying a mini Mead 5 Star (only brand to buy notebooks from, just sayin) notebook around and a mini sketchbook around.  That too might have been the best decision I have ever made!!!

Well look @ me making awesome life choices.  Well anyways I'm off to finish my bagel with strawberry cream cheese!  Fuck yea, you jealous!!!!  Anyways now I'm off to finish this hour of my journal I call life and I'll keep you posted on this decision.  Now off to my bagel!!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Things To Think About......

So it is yet again 4 something in the am here in my dorm room!  So it seems like I just like writing late at night! But hey it happens! 

Anyways so I have decided that I really do want to keep up with this whole blog idea/thing.  So I decided that I should blog atleast 2 times a week.  One during the middle of the week, like on Wednesday, and then one on the weekend.  So I mean I fell behind this last week, but I'm going to try extra hard this week!  Its busy being a college student so give me a little bit of a break.

Well so what I want to discuss in this blog is well, somethings that I was thinking about today.

First off, I was watching the 60 minute special on Lady Gaga.  Now I love me some Lady Gaga.  I was there from the beginning, when all she had was music on like youtube and other fun sites like that.  I pre~ordered her cd.  Anyways I digress, I love that woman.  Well while watching that special they happened to mention her age.  Lady Gaga is 24 years old.  Lady Gaga is ONLY 24 YEARS OLD!!! What?!  Lady Gaga is only 3 years older than me. 

Lady Gaga is only 3 years older than me and she is out there doing amazing things and influencing the world!  She has been on tour for almost 3 years now too!  She has sold millions of records and has been doing what she loves for the last 3 years and more! 

That little realization made me freak out a bit, because if you think about it, how is it that someone who is only 3 years older than me doing all these amazing things?!  What is soooo different between me and Lady Gaga that I too am not famous and doing what I love doing?  Which makes one really think about their lives.  At around this age Lady Gaga would have been recording and starting to get famous on her hit Just Dance.  And its almost 4:30 in the morning and all I have finished doing is my laundry.  And even that is not true, my laundry is in the dryer I still have about 10 mins on it.

Is it that Lady Gaga is simply much more diven than I am?  Which might be the case seeing as I am fairly lazy and tire easily.  But I mean all lazyness aside, I do feel like I am passionate in my craft and that I do possess the drive need to become famous in this huge world.  I love being a costume designer and would not trade it for the world.  I know that is where my passion lies but than if I am passionate about it, then how come I too am not famous?

Maybe its because I haven't meet the right people or because I have not put myself out there more often.  I mean I am a people person and I do feel like all my friends are driven people that will become something in this life.  I do have a great personality, not trying to be cocky or anything, but I mean I do feel like I am a great person and that I am a very unqiue individual.  So if my bigger than life personality is there,then why not me?

After watching the Lady Gaga special a part of me just wanted to quit college, whore my designs out and try and try and try and move to New York and see what would come of all of that.  Then I thought would that be the best opition for me to do.  I mean I have been in college for 3 years now.  That is 3 years of my life wasted if I just decided to leave college now.  Then again I could have been using those last 3 years of my life to tour the world and try to become famous by any means possible!

So right now I am listening to my internet techno station and trying to figure out how Lady Gaga did it and if I too have the drive to make it big and famous!  Maybe I do and I just am waiting for the right time to make a scene.  I hope that is the case and that I hope that one day somebody will try to compare their current life with my current life.  Because I know that I will be thinking, "Wow, that was me at one point!"  I wonder if that is what Lady Gaga thinks about at 4:30 in the am!

Well I should be off because, well for no other reason my laundry is done, well it has probably been done for the last 5 mins but hey!  I should get them before someone else tries to pee on my clothes! OOOO yea, that happened tonight......some motherfucker peed on my clothes!!!!  I want to stab someone!  But that is another story for another time,right now we are going to keep it to Lady Gaga and laundry.  Anyways I hope everyone has a good night and that they too become famous!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Late Night Thoughts

So its about 4:30 in the morning, and I decided that I am finally actually going to use this blog for something.  I'm trying so hard to get recognized for something, so here it goes from now on starting after I fall alseep and wake up again. I will blog!  About things I see, hear, and feel, and really anything other thing I want to.  I do not promise that everything will be the best thing ever or that everything will be spelled right or that grammar will be used correctly!  But fuck it!  I am going to blog and there is nothing anybody can do about it!  ....well nobody expect me!  So lets see how it does......from here on out I shot without a script!

Monday, December 20, 2010


So I finally got a blog!  There will be more to come from this.......